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Cabbage: what it is, properties, types of cabbage, benefits and uses in cooking

Cabbage: what it is, properties, types of cabbage, benefits and uses in cooking What's Up site

Cabbage is a member of the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae family and comprises a large group of products.
2023-01-16, by ,

#Healthcare || #Wellbeing || #Cabbage ||

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Although they are all related, many of them look very different and it is difficult to grasp the similarities that they share in terms of genealogy and nutrition.

And they all also share an extraordinary gift: cabbage is very good for our body's health. To understand who we are dealing with and why the Brassicaceae family deserves the consideration that has accompanied it since the time of the ancient Egyptians, let's find out what substances make up 'cabbage'.

Crucifers, especially cabbage, are famous for being rich in nutrients: vitamin C, A, K and riboflavin, essential minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium), vitamin B6 and folate. In addition, cabbage is rich in fibre and contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols and sulphur compounds: see for detailed overview.

A unique feature of cruciferous plants is their high content of glucosinolates, substances that have been much studied for their possible inhibitory activity on tumour genesis and growth. Discover the most popular types of cabbage: from savoy cabbage to kale and even kale or black cabbage. Cabbage is a versatile food in the kitchen; it can be cooked, stuffed, enjoyed in broth.

Cabbage: what is it?

Plants in the Brassicaceae family, such as cabbage, are characterised by a cruciform corolla, the presence of six stamens (the outer two shorter than the inner four) and an often septate capsule. However, the taxonomic classification of Brassicaceae (338 genera and 3709 species) is highly complex and very controversial.

The use of molecular biology techniques has since helped to more clearly define the taxonomy of this large family. Here are some of the most common cabbages.

Benefits of cabbage

Cabbage is valuable for its nutrients and the beneficial properties it allows us to enjoy.

Cabbage to combat obesity and micronutrient deficiencies

It is a valuable aid in combating obesity and unbalanced nutrition (micronutrient malnutrition). This is due to its nutrient density and the bioavailability of micronutrients. Nutrient density is the measure of a food's nutrients per calorie or weight unit, while bioavailability is the amount of a nutrient actually absorbed and utilised for metabolic functions.

In addition, they have substances that promote nutrient absorption such as:

  • folic acid
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Carotenoids
  • Prebiotic carbohydrates
  • Fibre
  • Sulphur-containing amino acids, which increase the absorption of iron and other minerals.

Cabbage: the detoxifying ally of the diet

It is particularly active on the kidneys and intestines, helping to reduce uric acid, triglycerides and cholesterol.

This direct and fast action is due to aspartic acid, which helps the kidney eliminate toxins, and fibre, which is useful in slowing down and reducing the absorption of sugars and saturated fats.

When dieting, it is very effective in combating constipation and promoting satiety.

Improves digestion and bowel function

Insoluble fibre helps maintain a healthy digestive system by adding bulk to the stool, thus promoting proper bowel function. But cabbage is also rich in soluble fibre, which increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

These bacteria perform important functions such as protecting the immune system and producing critical nutrients such as vitamins K2 and B12.

Blood pressure ally

Doctors often advise patients with high blood pressure to reduce their intake of salt, a source of sodium.

Recent studies show that increasing the level of potassium in the diet is equally important for lowering blood pressure. In fact, one of potassium's tasks is to help regulate blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium in the body.

Good consumption of cabbage, which is rich in potassium, helps to balance the ratio of sodium in the body.